Sunday, November 6, 2011

回味Rasa Sentosa

This is the picture of this lovely hotel on the night of 05-Nov, Lawrence's wedding.

We felt the excitement when we were driving the car towards Sentosa.

They were having good time building sand castle, while I went to do hotel check-in.

Cosy hotel room...

Jessie is enjoying herself at the water play ground.

Nice view from the lift lobby...

Jessie wore the 3D glass while inside the 4D Pirate Magic Show.

Cable car ride...

Quite a nice show, Song of the Sea at the Siloso beach.

We went to the Underwater World on the next day. Jessie almost wanted to run away from the Shark, when we approach the Shark.

Dolphin Logoon...

The 2 dolphins performance is so fantastic.

Nice tunnel view but the aircon is not cool enough due to the crowd.

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