Sunday, June 10, 2012

Visit Korea - Myeung Dong Street (明洞)

It is a Sunday afternoon and the street is quite crowded. It is still not as bad as the typical Singapore China Town street during Chinese New Year.

Jessie was having fun walking around.

She is holding on the the watch straps. The watch is already torn apart.

Nice Snack with potato curl around a long sausage. Good price of 2000 Kwn, which is S$2.22.

Jessie was so tired that she fell asleep while I was carrying her. She is the heaviest baggage that I have through out the journey.

We took a break on the street and tasted lemonade with soda.

Worry-Bank! What a name for a bank?

Typical Korean young lady on the street.

A 3 storey cafe...

We took another break at one end of the street after 2 hours of shopping.

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